Why Legal Teams Love CounterFind

5 min read

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September 20, 2018

It’s no secret that fighting online counterfeit can be a costly endeavor. There’s a reason law firms, brands and trademark holders are all bringing CounterFind in-house. The software is not only effective, but it’s cost-efficient for everyone no matter the size of your budget.

We’re going to break down the different groups of CounterFind customers to show how using CounterFind saves them time and money.

IP and Trademark Law Firms

CounterFind’s software has become a tool helping law firms that specialize in anti-counterfeiting and infringements. CounterFind not only helps law firms stay up to date with the latest counterfeiting tactics and trends, but most importantly, adds more billable hours by proactively seeking and removing your client’s counterfeits inside of CounterFind’s dashboard.

CounterFind can create custom dashboards for law firms giving numerous lawyers access points to access the software across multiple clients.

In-House Counsel

It’s a no brainer why brands and their in-house counsel choose CounterFind. Hiring an associate to manage anti-counterfeiting for your brand would cost on average of $175,000 annually. The cost of CounterFind is less than a fourth of that cost. The average CounterFind client spends less than $3,000/brand per month on CounterFind services.

Not only is CounterFind’s platform cost effective, but it takes the out-dated, manual process of handling infringement removals off of your plate.

In-house teams using CounterFind only spend an average of 3 hours per week in their dashboard to eliminate the majority of online counterfeit for their brand, potentially saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars in return.

Using CounterFind, or hiring a law firm that uses CounterFind is proven to be more cost effective than hiring an associate to manage your anti-counterfeiting strategy manually, so what are you waiting for?

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